• Knowledge engineering is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that develops rules applied to data to mimic the thought process of a person who is an expert in a particular field.

  • In its original form, knowledge engineering focused on the transfer process; transferring the experience of a problem solver into a program that could take the same data and draw the same conclusions.
  • Transmission processing has been found to have its limitations as it does not accurately reflect how people make decisions. He did not take into account intuition and gut feeling, known as analogous reasoning and non-linear thinking, which can often be illogical.
  • Today, knowledge engineering uses a modeling process that creates a system that affects the same results as an expert without following the same path or using the same sources of information.
  • The goal of knowledge engineering is to embed it in software that will make decisions in the same way as human experts, such as financial advisors.
  • Knowledge engineering is already being used in decision support software and is expected to be used at some point to make better decisions than human experts.