• Liar’s Poker is a multiplayer game in which players take turns betting on the total number of digits contained in the serial numbers of dollar bills held by players.

  • This is a game of strategy and psychology in which players hold random dollar bills while keeping a close eye on the serial numbers on the corresponding bills.
  • The rules of Liar’s Poker require you to raise the stakes, thereby increasing the stakes in the game.
  • The game is comparable to the “Liar’s Dice Game”, in which players roll the dice, hide the numbers that come up, and then bet on the total number of dice they think all players of that denomination have rolled.
  • Liar’s Poker is also the title of a popular finance book by Michael Lewis that chronicles the Wall Street bond trading culture at Salomon Brothers (later Salomon Smith Barney). – Along with Barbarians at the Gates: The Fall of RJR Nabisco (by Brian Burrow and John Heliar) and Bonfire of the Vanities (by Tom Wolfe), Liar’s Poker< /em> is considered one of the books that captured the culture of Wall Street in the 1980s.