• Automotive Liability Accident Indemnity provides for exceeding the limits for bodily injury (BI) and property damage (PD) for individuals who cannot exceed the minimum limits in accordance with their general liability policy. This type of coverage provides that the primary policy must always remain in force and is usually purchased by designated risk plan policyholders.

  • An autonomous vehicle is a computer-controlled truck, bus, or car that uses radar, global positioning systems, light detection and range, sensors, and computer vision to detect and respond to the environment and navigate safely without the need for human intervention. To qualify as a fully autonomous vehicle, it must be able to navigate without human assistance on roads and highways that have not been modified for vehicle use. Also known as self-driving car or self-driving car.

  • Average base is one way to quantify basis risk. This term is used to describe the average difference between portfolio losses and hedging gains. Its value depends on the number of portfolios used in the analysis.

  • Average length of stay is (1) a standard hospital statistic used to determine the average amount of time between admission and discharge for patients in a Diagnosis Related Group (DRG), age group, specific hospital, or other factors. .(2) Standard hotel statistics used to determine the average time between arrival and departure of a patient.