• ConsensusDOCS is endorsed by over 20 industry organizations representing owners, designers, general contractors, subcontractors and guarantors. This family of construction contract documents aims to facilitate collaboration on a construction project. Unique to this family of documents is a tripartite agreement (ConcensusDOCS 300) that creates a group of decision makers representing the owner, general contractor, and designer who jointly make decisions in the interests of the project. Document 300 includes mutual indemnification under which each party agrees to indemnify the others to the extent of the negligence of the indemnifying party. Most other standard contracts place a unilateral liability on the contractor for damages, with the possible exception of the owner’s liability for damages caused by hazardous substances found on the job site. The inclusion of an indemnity obligation on the part of the architect/engineer is particularly unique and distinguishes the ConsensusDOCS 300 from most other standard building contracts. Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) manage and sell these contracts.