• Crowdfunding is a process that uses the internet and related social media to offer shares of a company to investors. This approach represents a sharp departure from traditional methods of financing startups (for example, when an investment bank offers investors shares in a company). In April 2012, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the Startups for Our Business (JOBS) Act. The purpose of the Act is to make it easier for “evolving growth companies” (EGCs), defined as firms with annual revenues of $1 billion or less, to raise capital through crowdfunding and facilitate initial public offerings (IPOs). Recognizing the potential for fraud by unscrupulous boiler house operators, the law limits companies to raising (1) $1 million per year, or (2) $2 million if they provide investors with audited financial statements. In addition, no individual buyer may invest more than $10,000 or, if less, 10 percent of their annual income. The bill also requires the company to provide (1) various warnings to investors and (2) file a crowdfunding application with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).