• Maintenance, treatment and wages is a common maritime law concept that lays out the shipowner’s obligations to the crew. Terms are defined as follows. * Maintenance is an appropriate rehabilitation and working environment that must be available to the seafarer, including but not limited to the provision of accommodation and meals during recovery. * Cureis Medical treatment for recovery, at least as far as medical science can provide. This obligation, also referred to as “maximum medical treatment”, is incumbent on the seafarer in the event of accidents, as well as illnesses such as appendicitis, which are not normally subject to the provisions of state compensation laws. Health care is provided free of charge or at low cost in areas where adequate public health facilities are available. * Salary is the seafarer’s normal salary during illness, but not higher than the end of the voyage. On year-round ships, on inland waterways, wages may not exceed: the period of the year, the end of the contract or the period of sickness, whichever is shorter. For the depreciation of future income, the seafarer must file a claim.